السبت، 3 مارس 2012

القرآن الكريم للأندرويد مع خاصية البحث والتفسير والقراء

القرآن الكريم للأندرويد   مع خاصية البحث والتفسير والقراء

Quran Kareem



The most comprehensive Quran program for AndroidThe intent of developing this program is to create a comprehensive and free Quran application that serves all Muslims.
***You will need to download the pages and sounds separately***
***هذا البرنامج يحتاج الى تنزيل الصفحات والملفات الصوتية بشكل منفصل***
This program features:
* 100% correct Quran based on images of Madinah Mos'haf by King Fahad Complex for printing Quran
* Three types of images: with borders and without, and Mujawwad pages
* Flip pages by slide or buttons
* Reading in Lanscape or Portrait
* Settings Language: Arabic/English
* 13 audio Quran reciters
* option to repeat by Sura, page, or continuous audio recitation
* 10 audio tracks for end of Quran prayers (Dou'a)
* 3 books of Tafseer: Al-Saadi, Al-Muyassar, and Al-Jalalayn (Arabic Only)
* Tareef Book (information regarding each Sura such as reason for tanzil and number of Ayas, etc.) (Arabic Only)
* English translation based on Sahih International
* Search by words in arabic or english
* Copy Ayas from search page and pasting them in any program by long pressing on the selected Aya
* Copy sections of the books by long press
* Zoom pages by double clicking on the page
* Add notes to each page with the possibility of hide/unhide through settings
* Bookmarks: static (reference location for future reading) and dynamic (saves the last page read)
* Go to by page, Sura, or Juz'
* Option of keeping the screen On
* Short cut to menu by long press on the page directly without the need to click on menues
* Hide/unhide header, buttons, and notes by single click on the screen
* Option to make the index page as main page (through settings then restart application)
If you have any issues, please don't hesitate to contact me before down rating the application. Giving high rating will assist in spreading the program to more Muslims through the use of featured programs. Any suggestions to improve the application are welcomed.
الرجاء طلب المساعدة في حال وجود اي مشاكل عن طريق الموقع قبل التقييم. أرجو إعطاء تقييم عالي للبرنامج حتى يتم نشره في قوائم أفضل البرامج وبهذا يمكنكم المساعدة في نشر القران الكريم لأكبر عدد.
The website for the program is:
موقع البرنامج لتنزيل ملفات الصوت وطلب المساعدة حين وجود اي مشكلة:
Please do include me, my parents and my family in your prayers.

Keywords: quran, kareem, koran, kuran, coran, audio, karim, muslim, islam, قران ,كريم ,مصحف, holy, book, religion, recitation, tafseer, tafsir, تفسير, الميسر, الجلالين, السعدي, Saadi, Muyassar, Jalalayn, الشاطري, العفاسي, السديس, الشريم, العجمي, الحصري, الرفاعي, عبدالصمد,المعيقلي, بصفر, المنشاوي, ختم, دعاء, تعريف, شيخ, notes,

App Screenshots



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