الأحد، 2 سبتمبر 2012

Natures Healing Remedies Tips - Week 4 - Nausea‏

In this 4th installment of Natures Healing Remedies Tips,
I'd like to discuss a couple of quick and natural treatments
for nausea.
Nausea can be caused by a variety of things such as nutritional
deficiencies, food allergies, pregnancy, and cancer. Because 
nausea can be serious, it is probably a good idea to see your
doctor for a checkup if the nausea is going on for days, just
to rule out anything serious.
There are two very good treatments for nausea.
One is ginger capsules or powdered ginger root. The powdered
ginger root is actually better so if you can find it, get it.
The other is charcoal tablets which will help settle your stomach
if that is the cause of your nausea. If it's allergy related such 
as severe post nasal drip, you're probably better off going with
the powdered ginger root. Either take about 5 charcoal tablets or
2 ginger tablets every 3 hours. For the powdered ginger root you
can buy it and prepare it as a tea. Excellent for nausea.
Here's a good plan for taking your ginger so you have some options.
For nausea, gas, or indigestion: 2 to 4 grams of fresh root daily
(0.25 to 1.0 g of powdered root) or 1.5 to 3.0 mL (30 to 90 drops)
tincture daily. To prevent vomiting, take 1 gram of powdered ginger
(1/2 tsp) or its equivalent every four hours as needed, or 2 ginger
capsules (1 gram) three times daily. You may also chew a ¼ oz piece
of fresh ginger. 
Oh, one thing about ginger. Don't exceed 4 grams per day.
That's it. Short and to the point.
I am sure you will find relief with these treatments.
See you again next week.
To YOUR Health,
Steve Wagner

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