الأحد، 23 سبتمبر 2012

Natures Healing Remedies Tips - Week 7 - Sprains‏

It is said that a sprain is more painful than a break. I've never
broken any bones so I can't say how painful breaks are, but I have
had sprains and let me tell you, they hurt like the devil,
especially if it's a sprained ankle. Forget about trying to walk AT
Well, you don't have to run for the painkillers for a bad sprain.
Below, you will find some excellent treatments for sprains that
should bring you a great deal of relief.
- According to one view, sprains should be treated with ice or very
cold water. Follow this by bandaging the injury with an Ace
- But, according to a different view, sprains should be initially
treated with alternate hot and cold--especially if it is in the
wrist, elbow, or ankle. This method works better than using cold
- Put the injured part in very hot water, and keep it there 20-30
minutes. Every few minutes take it out of the hot water and plunge
it into cold water for about a minutes, then back into the hot.
Keep the hot water hot. This can continue for up to 2 hours with
good results. 
- Repeat this for several days; and, twice a day, massage around
the area. 
- If you use the cold method alone on a sprain, you may not be able
to walk on a sprained ankle for days; use the alternate hot and
cold method, and you may be much better in half the time. 
- (A third method calls for cold on strains to begin with, to
reduce initial swelling, followed by alternate hot and cold
- If the sprain or strain is in the back or shoulder, treat it with
hot fomentations, short cold, and massage. 
- A bad bruise on any part of the body can be treated as for a
sprain or strain. 
- In addition to the above, strains frequently require a cast
similar to that used for a fracture, so the injured joint area can
be immobilized for more complete rest. 
- DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) is a liquid that can be applied
externally to the injured area, to relieve pain, reduce swelling,
and promote healing. But only buy it in the health food store. 
I have no doubt that the above treatments will help greatly.
See you

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