السبت، 29 سبتمبر 2012

Natures Healing Remedies Tips - Week 8 - Athlete's Foot

In week 8 of our 52 week series on natural treatments and other
things, I want to discuss some natural treatments for Athlete's
Athlete's foot is caused by one or more of the parasitic fungi.
Fungus infections are more difficult to eliminate. Any condition
which keeps the feet both warm and moist can lead to this problem.
By scratching the sores on the foot, the disease can be spread on
the hands, under the nails, and to other parts of the body.
Fortunately, you don't need to use harmful drugs to treat this
problem. Below are some natural treatments that work great.
- Keep your feet dry. After bathing, dry carefully between the
toes. Wear cotton socks, and change them daily (or more often, if
possible). Put your shoes in the window and let the sunlight get
into them somewhat. Cut raw garlic into tiny pieces and put some
into your shoes. Dust your feet with garlic powder. Garlic is
better than antifungal drugs! 
- Try to keep your feet cool and dry. You may be able to think of
ways to do this. Try to find shoes that will not make your feet
sweat. Avoid rubber shoes, even the expensive ones. 
- Fungi hates sunlight. When in the acute stage, try to leave your
feet uncovered. Put your feet in the sunlight every so often. 
- Do not walk barefoot around the house, so others will not become
infected. Also, never walk barefoot in public places (public
showers, locker rooms, pool decks); wear shoes or slippers. 
- Apply natural antifungicides, such as pau d'arco and tea tree
- Drink 3 cups of pau d'arco tea daily. Also put a strong mixture
of it on your feet. 
- Apply lemon juice 1-2 times a day to the area, and let it dry.
Another method is to apply a strong tea of crushed juniper berries.
Mash garlic with some oil and apply to the area. 
- Add 20 drops of tea tree oil to a small tub of water, and soak
your feet in it for 15 minutes, 3 times a day. Dry well afterward,
and place some undiluted tea tree oil on the feet. 
- Apply a baking soda paste to the area, and especially between the
toes. Mix 1 tbsp. baking soda with a little warm water, apply, then
dry well, and dust feet with cornstarch powder. 
- Applying overly strong applications to athlete's foot can result
in rashes breaking out on hands and elsewhere. If you have
unknowingly done this: Treat the feet more gently and, as the foot
infection clears, the sympathetic rashes will also. 
- Bathe the feet daily in 50-50 vinegar and water. Dry well, then
apply a vegetable oil to the affected area. 
- Soak your foot in a mixture of 2 tsp. of salt per pint of warm
water, for 5-10 minutes; dry well and repeat till the problem is
- Eat a nourishing diet, and skip the processed and junk foods.
Obtain vitamins A, B complex, and C. 
- In case there is pain, place cold compresses on the area. 
- If the problem worsens, and pus or a fever develops, see a
- To help keep your feet dry, change your socks 3-4 times a day.
After washing them, rinse the socks well, to get out the detergent
(which the fungus likes). 
- Put on clean socks before dressing; in this way you avoid
infecting the groin area. 
- Boil socks to kill the fungus. 
- Do not use plastic or waterproof shoes. They create a warm, moist
place for fungus to breed. Never wear boots all day. 
- Do not wear the same shoes 2 days in a row. This gives a pair of
shoes 2 days to thoroughly dry out. 
- Spray Lysol on a cloth and wipe the inside of the shoe. 
- Place the shoes in the sunlight, angled toward the sun.
Ultraviolet light kills fungus. 
- Useful herbs are blood root and goldenseal; use alone or
together. Apply as a powder to the area. 
- Crush a green plant juice, such as chickweed, plantain, Swiss
chard, etc., and apply the juice to the area. Then walk about
barefooted in the sun.
I know I just threw a lot at you but you'll never suffer from
Athlete's Foot again.

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