05. أبريل, 2012
كثيرة هي برامج ادارة المهام ومتعدده ولكل منها مميزات مختلفه، وهنا ساتحدث عن
برنامج Producteev وهو كغيره من البرامج ولكن له مميزات تجعله الافضل بنظري.- بامكانك آنشاء مساحات عمل كمثال لفريق العمل أو للاصحاب واخرى للاحداث وهكذا.
- مشاركة الفريق في مساحة العمل بهذه المهام او بمهمه معينه.
- إرفاق الملفات مع مهمه معينه.
- إضافة تعليقات من الاشخاص المتشاركين في المهمه.
- يعمل مع برنامج Growl.
- إضافة وإنشاء المهام عن طريق الايميل.
- بامكانك متابعة مهامك عن طريق الويب او البرنامج الخاص بالماك او عن طريق هاتفك الايفون.
التطبيق يحمل واجهة بسيطة وبإمكانك استعراض جميع المهام الخاصة بك بشكل جميل وايضاً إضافة المهام وحذفها بشكل مباشر من التطبيق.
الجدير بالذكر بأن الخدمة تمتد الى تطبيقات
لأغلب المنصات للأجهزة الذكية مثل الآي او اس وايضاً الأندرويد وبإمكانك
مشاهدة جميع المهام الخاصة بك على تلك التطبيقات وبإمكانك تحميل تطبيق الآيفون بشكل مجاني.
البرنامج مجاني ومتوفر في متجر تطبيقات الماك وهناك خطط مقدمه من الموقع للمزيد من الميزات :
والمزيد عن البرنامج
Producteev by Jive helps teams get work done together with simple, yet powerful task management software. Create a network, invite the people you want to collaborate with, start projects, create tasks, and manage your work all in one place - without email. With apps for web, iPhone, Android, iPad, and Mac desktop, we let you connect on tasks and with teammates anytime, anywhere.
How does this help you exactly?
By using Producteev within your team you'll:
- Eliminate back and forth emails around projects, tasks and responsibilities
- Reduce the need for status update and action item follow up meetings
- Be more collaborative, efficient and productive
- Have the flexibility and accessibility you need in today's fast-paced world
A network is your company's workplace on
Producteev. It includes all your projects, tasks and collaborators in
one convenient and easy-to-use interface.
A project is a collaborative to-do list that can
be shared across any number of collaborators, from a few people to your
entire company. Projects are easy to customize and include privacy
A task is your to-do item. It can be assigned,
labeled, prioritized, tracked, commented on, and even set as a recurring
A label allows you to categorize tasks with a custom description and color.
Setting a priority allows you to rank your tasks according to their importance.
Subtasks can be added within tasks to create a simple checklist that can be reordered, checked off or deleted.
Setting a due date within a task allows you to schedule deadlines and even sort by due date if you like.
Filters let you sort by people, projects,
labels, task status, priority, due date, you name it. Just use keywords
to search, or select one of the options from the drop-down menu.
Use shortcut commands to quickly assign tasks (+), add followers (@), add labels (#), set a priority (*), or set a deadline (!).
Powerful Collaboration.
After creating a task, you can assign it to one or more people on your team.
Adding followers to a task allows specific people to receive notifications on task activity.
@-mention someone in a comment (use the “@“ symbol before their name) to bring them into the conversation.
Attach files to tasks by adding a comment and uploading a file from your device, Box or DropBox.
Turn emails into Producteev tasks simply by forwarding them to task@producteev.com.
Producteev keeps you updated 24x7, sending push
notifications to all your mobile devices and lighting up your
notification badge whenever an action occurs on a task related to you.
Add custom reminders and receive alerts for approaching due dates.
Activity Feed
Track the timeline of tasks within a project by clicking the “Activity” link below the project name.
Audit Trail
View the audit trail (below the comments section) to see the full history of each action taken on a task.
Export your tasks from a project within any active list view, with just the click of a button.
Outlook Integration
Turn your emails into actionable tasks, assign
them to team members, schedule them in your Outlook calendar, and use
Outlook as your desktop companion for easy management of all your
Producteev projects and tasks. Available for Windows.
Personalized Support
Get access to a dedicated Producteev support
community, on hand to help your company resolve any question or issue
within 24 hours.
Interface Customization
Customize your company's Producteev network with your own background, font color palette and company logo.
Use Cases
Something you may be wondering is if Producteev will work for your specific use case. Here's a list of examples of just some of the types of things Producteev has been used for:- Brainstorming ideas
- Bug tracking
- Class work and team assignments
- Customer support
- Editorial calendar
- Event planning
- Friendly reminders
- Go-to-Market checklist
- Goal setting and tracking
- Launches (product, marketing, PR)
- Manager reporting
- Meeting agendas and follow up
- Numerous types of projects and planning
- On-boarding
- Personal "to-dos"
- Prospecting (partners, investors, employees)
- Research and exploration
- Roadmaps
Network Setup
You've just signed up for Producteev - now what?
One of the first steps to take is to get your
network setup. Networks are your team or company's workspace in
Producteev and hold all projects, tasks and collaborators.
If you're starting a brand new network, the
first step will be to invite the people you want to collaborate with to
join. To do this, click the "+" icon in the "People" section...
Type in their email address and select their permission status:
Members can create projects, edit projects they create, and invite people to the network with admin approval.
Admin have access to all the projects (public or
private) on the network. They can edit projects, invite people and
manage subscription settings.
In the web app, you can also select which of
your projects you'd like members involved in, view the status of people
you've invited by clicking over into the "Pending Invites" tab...
And change the permissions of people by clicking on the gear icon that pops up when you hover over their name.
Profile Settings
After creating or joining a Producteev network,
it's a good idea to go into your setting to make sure everything is
configured the way you want it.
Add a personal Avatar image, basic info and set the time zone you'd like to receive notifications in.
If desired, change your password
Add any additional email addresses you'd like notifications sent to
Select which notifications you'd like to receive and on what devices
And manage your applications.
Down the road, should you want to export your tasks, simply come to this tab.
And that's it! To get back to the main page just click on the "Producteev by Jive" logoProducteev Apps
One of the great parts about task management software is the flexibility it creates. You can get Producteev for iPhone, iPad, Android, Mac, Outlook, or use it on the web, and have access to all your projects, tasks and collaboration features. Here's what to expect from our apps:Downloading
You can download all of the Producteev apps from www.producteev.com/apps as well as from the web app:
The Producteev suite of apps have been designed to work seamlessly together so that if you create a task on your iPhone, for example, it will sync to your network and show up on all downloaded devices. While the overall functionality and interface is the same across our apps, there are a few things to know:- All apps are free with the exception of the Outlook plugin which is free for a 14 day trial, but requires a Pro subscription once that period ends.
- All apps require a network connection.
- iOS, Android and Mac apps are simplified versions of the web app. They allow you to do everything you need around people, projects, tasks, and filtering, but do not have full functionality when in comes to administrative controls like network or profile configuration.
- The Outlook plugin has unique functionality from the other Producteev apps. Check out the Producteev Outlook section to learn more.
Notification Setup
Producteev for Outlook
600 million people use Outlook for their email
and calendar every day. But something crucial is missing: integration
with your tasks. That's why we created Producteev for Outlook. It lets
you create, assign, schedule, and manage all your tasks - right from
your inbox.
Access all your Producteev tasks with the click of a button
Sort by project, person or category
Instantly create a new task...
Directly from your Outlook menu bar
And, when you finish a task, just check it off.
Producteev takes care of all the syncing and notifications across your
network and devices.
Have a task you've been meaning to get to but keeps getting pushed off?
Just click to schedule it in your calendar
Or drag and drop tasks into your schedule from the Outlook calendar view.
Turn talk into action by converting emails to tasks
And by inserting tasks directly into outgoing
emails to make them actionable. Say you're sending out a follow-up after
a team meeting...
Now for the first time, you can make sure everyone follows through by assigning tasks right in the email.
Use shortcuts to add due dates
Set a priority
And assign tasks to yourself or your teammates.
Then send your email
And voila! It's all there in your network's Producteev tasks, on all your devices.
A project is a space within your network that holds related tasks and allows you to collaborate with the people you want in one collective place.
To create a project, as many as you want in fact
- there's no limits with Producteev, click on the "+" symbol next to in
the projects section of the app
Enter your title, description, set privacy settings, and you're ready to go!
Select which projects you'd like to view - just
ones you're involved in (have created or have a tasks in) or all
projects within the network
Track what actions are taken on a project in the activity feed
Learn who created a project, it's description
and who has access to it by hovering over the project and clicking on
the info icon
Or edit a project by clicking on the gear. From
here you can set it as your default project (so that emails forwarded to
task@producteev.com and tasks added when viewing tasks under your name
are created there), track or untrack a project, or even delete it.
Under the "Edit project" option you can change permissions
Move it to another network
And, of course, change the project name and description.
To search for projects using keywords simply click on the magnifying glass...
Then type in what you're looking for.
And that's about it! You should now know all you need to about Producteev Projects.Tasks
Once you create or join a project, it's time to start adding tasks!
This is the view form the web app, but the basic functionality is the same across all Producteev apps.
To create a new task all you have to do is click on the appropriate icon (a pencil on mobile) and start typing.
You can then add assignees - people responsible for completing the task
Set a due date
Add a reminder to be alerted when the due date
of the task is approaching - make sure to check that the time zone is
correct before saving
Schedule the task as reoccurring if it's something you need to do weekly, for example...
Label it so that it's easy to find later via filters
Add Followers - these are people who are not
assigned to the task but receive all the same notifications so they are
kept in the loop
Create subtasks which are, essentially, your to-do list for the task and can be reordered, checked off and deleted.
Add notes with the ability to mention people (will add them as followers of the task) as collaboration takes place
Attach files from your device, Dropbox or Box account
Set a priority
Edit information within the task - you can
change pretty much everything, just keep in mind that any action taken
on the task can be tracked in the "audit trail"
Export the task to a CVS file
Move it to a different project
Mark it as complete
Or delete the task altogether if it's not needed. Please note that this action is permanent and cannot be undone.
And, whatever action you take, it will be synced across all your devices.
We use shortcuts all the time - as commands on our computer, in text messages, on social media - so why not to create our tasks?With Producteev's natural language processing, you can...
Assign ( + ) a task
Add followers ( @ )
Labels ( # )
Set a priority ( * )
And schedule a due date ( ! )
All in seconds.
You can even create a task simply by forwarding an email to task@producteev.com.
It's the better way to work.
With Producteev there are literally hundreds of
different ways to view your and your teammate's tasks using our search
and filter features.
You can sort by project via search
Or select just projects you're involved in, and see all the tasks and people associated.
You can sort by person to understand their workload and progress on tasks
View by label to see tasks that fall into a specific category
And filter within a project, person or label to
see: creators of tasks, task titles, priorities, deadlines, creation
date and current status, and tasks listed by when they were last
Or task status, tasks assigned to or created by you, tasks you're following, and which tasks have files attached.
You can also use Producteev project activity feed...
And task audit trail to track the activity at an overview level.
With Producteev, there's no need for status update meetings or
unnecessary emails to "check in" - all you need to know is at your
By popular request, Producteev created the Pro plan with enterprise-grade features designed to give your team even more task management power. For $99 a month, your company network (up to 100 users) will have access to the following Premium features:Outlook Plugin
Available on Windows for Office 2007, 2010 & 2013, Producteev for Outlook bridges the gap between your email, calendar and tasks. For the first time, you'll be able to make action items in email actionable (w/assignees, due dates, etc.), schedule tasks in your calendar, and manage everything Producteev through Outlook. To learn more, check out the Producteev for Outlook section of this user guide.Premium Support
Instead of going through Producteev's Support
Community to get answers to questions or issues, you and everyone in
your network will have access to a simple contact form with a 24-hour
response guarantee from a dedicated Producteev team member.
Network Customization
This feature allows admin to personalize the background, font color palette, and add your company logo to the network.
Free 14 Day Trial
Want to test drive what it'd be like to have the
Producteev Pro plan? Every user can download and try the Outlook plugin
free for 14 days! Network admin can also try the interface
customization feature which is experienced by everyone on the network.
Upgrade Your Network
Ready to go Pro? If you're a network admin, you
can go ahead and upgrade by following the steps below. If you're NOT an
admin, you'll need to request the upgrade for your network
Stay up to date on new features, productivity tips and tricks, industry news, user stories, and more by following the Producteev Blog.Suggested Posts:
- Hundreds of Ways to View Your Tasks
- The Producteev Team's Best Practices
- 5 Helpful Tips for Managing a Project or Team Remotely
- 3 Tips for Staying On Top of Overflowing Email Inboxes
- Practical Productivity
Have a question or issue you need an answer to? Ask the Producteev by Jive Community!
What is it? It's a forum where users can go to learn, interact with
other users, contribute to discussions, as well as get help from a
Producteev Customer Support member.
Want more personalized and immediate support?
With the Producteev Pro plan, everyone in your company's network has
access to a simple contact form with a guaranteed response time of under
24 hours.
Feature Voting
We want to hear from YOU about what Producteev
features you'd like us to develop next. So, if you have a great new idea
or agree with another user on something they suggested, vote on it in
the Producteev by Jive Community!
مواضيع مشابهة أو ذات علاقة بالموضوع :
ليست هناك تعليقات:
إرسال تعليق
أهلا بك ،
أشكر لك إطلاعك على الموضوع و أن رغبت في التعليق ،
فأرجو أن تضع إسمك ولو حتى إسما مستعارا للرد عليه عند تعدد التعليقات
كما أرجو أن نراعي أخلاقيات المسلم;حتى لانضطر لحذف التعليق
تقبل أطيب تحية
ملاحظة: يمنع منعا باتا وضع أية : روابط - إعلانات -أرقام هواتف
وسيتم الحذف فورا ..