الثلاثاء، 28 أغسطس 2018

Money has different names!!!*

*How interesting .... I never thought Money has different names!!!*

In temple or church, it's called *donation.*
In school, it's *fee.*
In marriage, it's called *dowry.*
In divorce, *alimony.*
When you owe someone, it's *debt.*
When you pay the government, it's *tax.*
In court, it's *fines.*
Civil servant retirees, it's *pension.*
Employer to workers, it's *salary.*
Master to subordinates, it's *wages.*
To children, it's *allowance.*
When you borrow from bank, it's *loan.*
When default in the payment of loan *penalty*
When failed to settle loan it is call *bankrupt*
When you offer after a good service. it's *tips.*
To kidnappers, it's *ransom.*
Illegally received in the name of service, it's *bribe.*
When Politician steal is *scandal*
When white collar professional steal is called *mismanagement*.
Ordinary Civil Servant steals is called
Money received from unknown source *money laundering*
*The question is, "when a husband gives to his wife, what do we call it???*
*Money given to your wife*
*is called DUTY, and every*
*man has to do his duty*
*because wives are not* *DUTY FREE.

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