الأربعاء، 6 يونيو 2012

أجبان الحمير ، هي الأغلى في العالم

Donkey Cheese Among World's Most Expensive

donkeyA nature reserve north of Belgrade, Serbia is home to a herd of 100 Balkan donkeys that earn their keep in an unusual way: they give milk for cheese. The smoked cheese is sold under the name Pule (an unappetizing name that means 'foal' in Serbian) and is priced at €1,000/kg (or $600-$700 per pound), which is apparently about twice the cost of moose cheese and puts it among the most expensive cheeses (if not the most expensive) in the world. Manager of Zasavica Special Nature Reserve, Slobodan Simić, says that no special ingredients are used and the price is based strictly on the value of the milk that goes into making it. Currently Pule is made only on an advanced order basis.

Via Luxurylaunches

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