الأربعاء، 17 أكتوبر 2012

Natures Healing Remedies - Are You A Candidate For A Heart Attack?

If you've been getting my newsletter for some time now, you
probably already know that there are a lot of things in this
world that can flat out kill you 
I just lost a friend who was suffering from a number of
ailments, including diabetes 
 But it was walking pneumonia  and heart failure that did him in 
The funeral was a couple of days ago 
Yes, he was overweight and yes he didn't take care of himself
and yes ... I could go on and on 
Does this sound familiar?
I hope not because heaven knows I want you on this list for
a long time and HOPEFULLY, improving your health from it.
The problem is, a lot of people don't know how to do that.
Here's a little known fact.
It's estimated that up to 95% of North Americans are deficient in
Omega-3 fatty acids, as natural sources like fish oils, evening
primrose, and nuts simply aren't prevalent enough in the Western
But even those who do supplement may not be getting enough!
The supplements market is literally FLOODED with substandard or
expired fish oil products with little to no nutritive value.
Surprised? You shouldn't be.
And the worst part of it directly relates to heart attack
and stroke. Not getting enough of these Omega-3 fatty acids
is almost a sure ticket to a heart attack or stroke.
My mother died from a stroke 2 years ago in June of 2009.
So I am speaking from very cold, hard experience.
Fortunately, I came across something that can help ... a lot.
It's no miracle cure. But it will give you the required
amount of Omega-3 fatty acids that you need without having
to eat insane amounts of food that can't really do the job
Not only does this supplement help prevent against heart
attack and stroke but it also ...
* Fights eczema and skin inflammation
* Balances skin health for a youthful, smooth appearance
* Helps to control symptoms of asthma
* Eliminates joint inflammation and soreness
* Prevents mood swings and improves general outlook
* Improves memory and concentration
* Aids weight loss through reduced food cravings
* Lowers blood pressure
* Promotes healthy brain functioning
* Prevents symptoms of ADD and ADHD
* Increases immunity to colds, flu, and infection
* Is excellent for prenatal health

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