السبت، 6 أكتوبر 2012

Natures Healing Remedies Tips - Kidney Infection‏

  •  Hi SULAIMAN: 
    In week 9 of our series I want to talk about something that can be
    very painful. Kidney infections.
    Kidney infections can be as painful as kidney stones. So the first
    thing you need to do is go get yourself an ultrasound to make sure
    it isn't a stone. If not, there are natural ways to cure kidney
    infections without having to take antibiotics. Below are just a few
    things you can do if you're suffering from a kidney infection.
    - Drink plenty of pure water. Avoid coffee, alcohol, and artificial
    - Drinking unsweetened cranberry juice and apple juice helps reduce
    bacterial growth in the kidneys. 
    - Carrot, celery, and parsley juice is also helpful. 
    - Eat nourishing food, and avoid processed and junk food. 
    - Include enough vitamins C, A, and B complex in the diet.
    Potassium deficiencies can encourage kidney problems. 
    - Go on a 3-day cleansing water-and-juice fast. Take enemas and
    rest. Keep the fluid level high. 
    - Helpful herbs include garlic, echinacea, burdock, red clover, and
    goldenseal. Also of value: juniper berries, parsley, and
    watermelon-seed tea. Buchu tea and marshmallow tea are most
    - Used in conjunction with more fluid intake, corn-silk tea has
    been used for hundreds of years to increase urine output, a very
    necessary factor in purifying and detoxifying the kidneys. 
    The above should work wonders.
    If you should have kidney stones, there is an excellent book at our
    site with a 24 hour natural procedure for getting rid of them.
    You can find it  . Here

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