لماذا توقف الإعلام الأمريكي عن ايضاح بعض حقائق تفجير "اورلاندو" ؟!
لسنا هنا دفاعا عن الشواذ " عياذابالله " لكن هنا سنتعرض لبعض الأمور ، من المحرض ؟! ومن هو عمار؟ اسمه عمار وليس عمر ، وهو من شيعة هزارالأفغان ويتردد على المركز الحسيني الإسلامي الإيراني ويخطب فيه رجل دين شيعي إيراني الأصل ، ولماذا توقف الإعلام الأمريكي عن ايضاح المزيد !؟ وهل يعتبر هذاالتوقف تمهيداً لإلصاق التهم ببعض الدول المستهدفة !!؟
الثلاثاء 9 رمضان 1437هـ - 14 يونيو 2016م KSA 07:21 - GMT 04:21
رسمياً.. "داعش" يعلن مسؤوليته عن تفجير أورلاندو
الإرهابي عمر متين الذي أرسله تنظيم "داعش" لارتكاب المجزرة
أعلنت إذاعة البيان التابعة لتنظيم "داعش"، اليوم الاثنين، مسؤولية
التنظيم عن إطلاق نار أودى بحياة 49 شخصا في ملهى ليلي للمثليين في
أورلاندو بولاية فلوريدا الأميركية.
وقال التنظيم في بيان بثته
الإذاعة إنه أرسل عمر متين الذي وصفه بأنه "أحد جنود الخلافة في أميركا"
للقيام "بغزوة أمنية" تمكن خلالها من الدخول إلى ناد ليلي للمثليين وصفهم
البيان بأنهم "أتباع قوم لوط"، وذلك في مدينة أورلاندو.
هذا وأعلنت
الشرطة الأميركية أن إطلاق نار وقع في وقت مبكر الأحد، في ملهى ليلي
للمثليين بمدينة أورلاندو بولاية فلوريدا، ما أسفر عن مقتل 49 شخصا وإصابة
53 آخرين، بعد أن احتجز شاب مدجج بالسلاح رهائن.
وكشفت وسائل إعلام أميركية أن منفذ الهجوم أميركي من أصول أفغانية، واسمه عمر متين، ويبلغ من العمر 29 عاما وقتل في العملية.
PAUL MILLER 06.16.16 6:57 PM ET
Australia Boots Iranian Cleric Who Says Gays Must Die
In the wake of the Orlando massacre, Sheikh Farrokh Bahram Sekaleshfar’s incitement to murder is seen as too much for Canberra.
Farrokh Bahram Sekaleshfar, a Shia cleric of Iranian descent, sits
opposite a reporter from the Australian TV network ABC. He is about to
be kicked out of the country over his views, but he insists he played no role in the June 12 Orlando massacre.
name appeared in the news this week after a U.S.-born Afghan-American,
Omar Mateen, shot dead 49 people and injured 53 others at Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida.
is on record saying that “death is the sentence” for homosexuals and
that executing them is an act of “compassion,” since earthly punishment
will gain them leniency in the afterlife. He has spoken on the subject
at least twice in the U.S., once in 2013 at the University of Michigan,
and again in April at the Husseini Islamic Center north of Orlando.
is not clear whether Mateen was ever in Sekaleshfar’s audience, but
many Americans fear that clerics like Sekaleshfar may have influenced Mateen’s attitude toward homosexuality and his decision to kill gay men.
43, was born in Manchester, England, but has lived in Iran in recent
years. He studied at Imperial College London and is a medical doctor.
According to some reports, he moved to the Iranian seminary city of Qom
after his graduation in 2000 and studied Islam there.
are also reports that Sekaleshfar delivered a speech as an “ethics
scholar” at Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences in Yazd.
preached frequently at the Imam Ali Mosque in Cardiff, Wales. He also
worked with a number of Iranian media outlets such as The Call of Islam
Radio and Sahar TV, an international branch of the Islamic Republic Of
Iran Broadcasting (IRIB). In recent years, he extended his preaching to
YouTube and social networks.
week, just before the before the Orlando massacre, Sekaleshfar
travelled to Sydney, Australia to deliver a speech at the city’s Imam
Hossein Islamic Center. While he was there, local media reported his
anti-gay speeches. On Tuesday night, he left Australia abruptly. The
Australian government announced that his visa had been revoked.
his interview with ABC, Sekaleshfar said he had made his comments in an
academic setting, and that he regretted that they had been made public.
He said he advocated the death penalty only for homosexuals who have
anal sex in public in a country that abides by Islamic law.
does this question of death theoretically arise?” he asked the
reporter. “It arises in a particular scenario that is such a small
probability that I’ve never even heard of such a scenario arising in
such a country, with such a mandate, where the rule of law is Islam.”
He denied that his speech could have led to the massacre.
Imam Hossein Islamic Center is one of the oldest Shia Islamic centers
outside Iran. Like many such centers, it has relations with similar
institutions inside Iran.
speaks fluent English. Shia institutions often invite him to deliver
speeches. Saba Islamic Center in San Jose, California, has published a
collection of his speeches. Many of his speeches are also available on
YouTube, including his speech about homosexuality at the University of Michigan.
it appears that the Orlando massacre may force Sekaleshfar to stay out
of the spotlight for a while. But for many people appalled by the horror
in Florida, the bigger question is whether he will change his views.
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